Let's Worship Wholeheartedly!

Join us June 24-28 from 9 AM - 2 PM daily

This year, we invite your children (entering 2nd through 7th) to participate in Creative Arts Camp.   We will spend a week discovering and celebrating the gifts that God has given to us, while diving deeper into the idea of Worshiping Wholeheartedly! Children can focus on various areas such as music, drama, dance, A/V, and various arts and crafts options.
Parents and guardians, on Friday, June 28th, at 7 PM, the kids will lead us in worship as they showcase what they have learned and created throughout the week!
Register Here 
Registration fee: $40 per child.

Register and Join us!

Click below to register your child for Creative Arts Camp 2024!
Registration Closes June 15th